Advanced Order Logic simplifies your daily tasks
At Upsales, we create sales and marketing solutions that will make every day at work more manageable.
We preach what we know
Since using the same CRM platform as our customers, we develop features and solutions that would make our work smoother. Advanced Order Logic simplifies the user experience based on what parameters you’ve set up in Upsales.
Let us explain
This feature is for companies with complex businesses that need simple solutions. You add logic and customize the fields in Upsales based on calculations, order stage, and more. Create automated calculations, use advanced price calculations, and set mandatory fields for order phases.
With Advanced Order Logic, you simplify the work of your salespeople and eliminate the risk of errors.
Measurable processes, checkboxes, and safety protocols
Here are some examples of how Advanced Order Logic can simplify your sales process and spend less time on administrative tasks.
Calculating Fields
Set up your fields on your order/order rows that are calculated in other fields.
For example, imagine you have an energy company, and you want better measuring methods. You can, i.e., use Calculating Fields to estimate costs for services according to m2 (size of building) = energy consumption. Read how you can set up Calculating Fields.
This function is also useful for calculating your VAT percentages, which wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
For example, our customer Visual Art uses this function with their parameters to calculate number screens x price x “Share of Voice%” (their custom field).
Required fields based on the stage
On the Sales Board in our CRM platform, you have different stages in the sales process.
The further to the right you move each card, it symbolizes a progression, an opportunity. With this function in Advanced Order Logic, you can choose that it’s, i.e., mandatory in Stage 1, to select a contact person, date, and price, while in Stage 2, it’s compulsory also to fill in the delivery date, shipping cost, and XX.
This is a perfect function to make specific order custom fields mandatory. We at Upsales use this function ourselves so that particular fields are compulsory in the phase "Stage 2" and onwards because we use those stages for forecasts.
By doing so, you ensure that everyone adds in information in the same way, and your CRM data becomes up to date, with a lower risk of errors and less headache for your management team and finance team. Read how you can set up the required fields.
Hide order row fields
With this function, you can hide custom fields on order rows based on the different product categories. You decide what you want visible.
Change how the price is calculated on the order row
Here you can change how the standard price is calculated in Upsales based on a calculation.