Email marketing is an incredibly effective way to reach potential customers and convert them into loyal buyers. Automated email marketing takes this further, allowing businesses to set up automated email campaigns triggered by certain events and customer behaviours.

This type of email marketing reduces manual effort and allows businesses to save time and resources while still being able to reach out to their target audience.

In this article, we'll explore the following:

  • The benefits of email automation tools.
  • The statistics behind email marketing automation.
  • How businesses can leverage email marketing automation.



The Benefits of Email Marketing Automation Tools

Automated Email Campaigns are Cost-Effective

Email marketing automation is an effective and cost-efficient way to reach customers and prospects.

It allows companies to set up automated campaigns that send out emails to several recipients at once, saving tons of time and effort that can be used elsewhere.

Email marketing automation also allows businesses to easily segment customers into different categories and target them with personalised messages tailored to their interests.

Additionally, email automation can help with tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. As a result, businesses can identify possible areas of improvement and make campaigns more cost-effective.


Email Automation Increases Efficiencyimage889kl.png

Automation allows businesses to streamline their email marketing efforts and save time by creating automated campaigns that run in the background and only require minimal maintenance.

Automation enables businesses to create automated email campaigns that are sent to customers or potential customers at predetermined times.

Automation also allows businesses to personalise their emails to target the right customers more effectively, which can lead to higher open and click-through rates.

Additionally, automation helps businesses track and analyse customer data, allowing them better to tailor their emails and content to their target audience.

Email Automation Allows for Personalisation

Email marketing automation allows businesses to tailor their messages to their customer's individual needs and interests.

It allows marketers to create automated emails that are sent out at specific times and contain specific content that is relevant to each customer. This automation allows marketers to customise their messages to each customer's preferences, needs, and interests.

Automated emails can also be used to send targeted messages to specific customer segments and target users based on their past behaviour.

Email Automation Leads to Improved Performance

As email automation allows you to send out emails at predetermined times and to the right target audience, you can ensure that customers are more likely to engage with their emails, as they will be more likely to open them and take action.

Automation helps businesses get more out of their email marketing efforts. Email automation makes tracking results, adjusting campaigns, and optimising performance easier.

Improved Customer Experience

Automated email marketing is an effective way to improve customer experience. Automated emails allow companies to send timely, personalised messages to customers that can be tailored for different audiences.

Automated emails also provide customers with relevant information, such as recommended products or upcoming sales. By leveraging automated email marketing, companies can improve customer experience by providing a more personalised and tailored experience.


The Statistics Behind Email Automationimagep60fm.png

It's no surprise that email automation is becoming increasingly popular among marketers. According to Ascend2 and Research Partners, 55% of marketers are now using automation for email marketing, which is a 15% increase compared to 40% in 2021.

This is also reflected in the priority of marketers, with 59% making email automation a priority. Email marketers are using various automated email techniques.

Automation is also used for customer win back (35%), browser or cart abandonment emails (38%), milestones (34%), ratings and reviews (28%), subscription reminders (23%), and back-in-stock messages (10%).

Other popular automated email types include welcome series (83%), onboarding or post-purchase emails (68%), and subscriber re-engagement (40%).


How Businesses can Leverage Email Automation

Increase conversion rates by segmenting and targeting customers with personalised content

With automation, targeting specific customer segments and sending them emails based on their interests, past purchases, and other behaviours is quick and easy.

The more personalised the emails are, the higher the chance of a conversion. Think about any time you have received a generic email offering you a generic product or service from a company you are opted into. Chances are, you can't even remember an example as it was so forgettable!

Now think about a time when you got a personalised email triggered off the back of an action you took on a website that included your name, a reference to your actions on the website, and a message specific to a product you were looking for at. These emails are more memorable and likely to turn visitors into customers.

Automated emails can also create a sense of urgency, such as an offer for a limited time. This can help to drive conversions and increase sales. By tailoring an offer to someone based on their specific habits on your website, you can offer relevant and attractive offers on services your customers are interested in without having to do a site-wide promotion and losing more profit margins.

Automate campaigns to create more efficient flows and reduce manual labour

With automated email marketing, you can create emails triggered by customer interactions. Automated emails can be sent when new customers sign up, abandon their shopping cart, or reach a certain stage in their customer journey.

Automated emails allow marketers to send the right message at the right time, which increases customer engagement and helps you reach your business goals. Consider how much more likely you as a consumer are to purchase a product if you abandon your basket and immediately receive an email from that company with a small discount. You are still very tempted to purchase that product, and the discount will incentivise that action.

However, if you send out generic lead follow-up emails once a month, it could be as many as 30 days since a potential client visited your website but didn’t submit a form or contact your sales team. In that time, they might have decided they no longer want the product or might've bought it from one of your competitors!

Any email you currently send manually that you can turn into an automated send is time that your marketing team can use on other aspects of your brand, such as writing great content or strategising large campaigns.


Track customer engagement and generate detailed reports to understand customer behaviour betterimagenin1j.png

Automation email marketing is a great way to track customer engagement, understand the performance of campaigns, and establish more detailed customer segmentation.

Marketing automation tools help you track customer engagement to learn what content works best for your customers and what doesn't. You can analyse customer behaviour with detailed reports and determine which campaigns are most effective.

This allows you to optimise your email campaigns and make them more successful, and stop wasting time on marketing efforts your target audience is not interested in.

Automatically resend emails to non-responders

Automated email marketing tools can be used to send promotional emails, follow-up emails, newsletters, and more. Additionally, automated email marketing allows you to automatically resend emails to non-responders.

This is a great way to reach out to customers who may have missed the initial email. Not only that, but a top-level tool such as Upsales allows you to seamlessly align sales and email marketing communications, as they are all managed through the same platform.


Create automated flows to nurture customers through the sales funnel

Email marketing automation software allows you to set up emails to be sent at predetermined times, triggered by customer actions such as clicking a link or filling out a form. This allows you to tailor messages to customers' needs and interests and create a streamlined customer experience.

Investing in services online is not always a simple decision, especially when considering working with a new business. 

As a result, you need to ensure that your potential clients are spoken to at the right times during their journey with your company and with the right messaging. 

Most customers aren't looking to buy what you're offering directly, so staying top of mind is crucial for when the time comes.

Create automated triggers to trigger emails based on customer actions

Enauk automation tools are excellent for businesses to stay in touch with customers promptly and relevantly. It allows businesses to create automated emails triggered by specific customer actions.

Emails can be triggered when customers sign up for an account, purchase, or engage with certain content. An automated email campaign is cost-effective, personalised, and engaging, allowing businesses to reach their customer base when they want to be spoken to.

Leverage A/B testing to find the most compelling content

Automated email marketing is a fantastic way to leverage A/B testing to find the most effective content that resonates with their customers. A/B testing compares two versions of a message, such as a subject line, to determine which performs better. Automated email marketing allows businesses to quickly and easily send out multiple versions of a message and compare the results, determining which message will give them the best results for their business.

This is one of the main reasons automated email marketing manages to effectively increase open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Conclusionisrael-andrade-YI_9SivVt_s-unsplash.jpgAutomation email marketing is an extremely effective tool for improving customer engagement and driving business sales. By automating emails, businesses can save time, money, and resources and take advantage of personalised marketing opportunities to better target and engage their customers.

Automation email marketing can be used to build relationships with customers, increase customer loyalty, and generate more business. With its relative ease of use and low cost, automated email marketing is a great way to help any business reach its marketing goals.

Unfortunately, not every email service provider is built the same. For the best results from your email marketing campaigns, contact us today, and learn how we can help take your brand to the next level.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is automated email marketing?

Automated email marketing is an email marketing strategy in which automated messages are sent to customers based on their behaviours and preferences. Automated emails include anything from newsletters and promotional messages to welcome emails, product updates, and more.

How does automated email marketing work?

Automated email marketing uses triggers and filters to determine when to send emails. Triggers can be based on customer behaviours like purchasing or signing up for a newsletter. In contrast, filters can be based on customer preferences such as location, age, gender, etc.

What are the benefits of automated email marketing?

Automation email marketing offers several benefits, including increased engagement rates, improved customer service, and increased sales. It also provides a cost-effective way to reach customers, as automated emails are less expensive than traditional marketing tactics.